Relactation: Can you breastfeed your weaned baby again?

Just how easy is it to stimulate milk supply after stopping or induce lactation as an adoptive mother? Charlene Yared West explores the topic of relactation and induced lactation to find out more.

Firstly, what is relactation?

According to Leana Habeck, La Leche League Leader (, there is a difference between relactation and induced lactation. “Relactation is about re-establishing of milk secretion after weaning baby from the breast,” says Leana. “Adoptive breastfeeding, also called induced lactation in a woman who was not pregnant with the current baby, may involve hormonal preparation (oestrogen and/or progesterone – simulating a pregnancy) followed by sudden cessation of the hormones (simulating a birth) and then the commencement of pumping or suckling and a galactagogue that increases prolactin secretion.” Internationally Board Certified Lactation Consultant, childbirth educator and midwife Emma Numanoglu explains the protocols for inducing lactation, developed by Dr. Jack Newman and Lenore Goldbarb, as involving a regime of taking the contraceptive pill together with domperidone. “A few weeks before the expected arrival of the baby the mother stops taking the pill, continues with domperidone and starts expressing milk (this mimics the process of pregnancy and lactogenesis after birth). This method has been used successfully and safely for three decades by many women who induced lactation,” she says. “A mother who is planning to apply one of the protocols will need to find a doctor who is supportive of breastfeeding, can explain risks and benefits of taking the medication, and is willing to take responsibility for prescribing domperidone in doses that exceed  guidelines for licensed use.”

Commitment to breastfeeding is key to success

Relactation, explains Emma, is also an option for those mothers who have have decided to bottlefeed and have then changed their minds and wish to go back to breastfeeding, or even for those mothers whose babies are not tolerating formula well. “In my practise, this is the most common reason for relactation and the reasons are important as it requires quite a commitment from the mother. For example, if the baby is intolerant to the breast milk substitutes being given, the mother may be more committed to resuming breastfeeding,” she says. “It is important not to place emphasis only on her milk as evidence of success, as this can cause anxiety and thereby inhibit her milk production and ejection reflex. For these reasons it is important to discuss with the mother the benefits, the concerns and problematic elements of relactation.” Emma sees the most success in relactation with babies under three months, but older than that is not impossible, it may just take more effort. “Induced or adoptive lactation is becoming more popular. Mostly adopting couples and lesbian couples seek assistance in breastfeeding their adoptive baby.”

The aim is bonding and creating a milk supply

“For both adoptive breastfeeding and relactation, the aim is to bring about (or back) a milk supply and bring the baby back to the breast. These two are interconnected endeavours, as the best thing for a milk supply is to have a baby breastfeeding frequently and a baby is more likely to breastfeed or return to the breast if there is plenty of milk there,” says Leana. “The difference between the two is such that with a natural pregnancy the milk making tissues are built, whereas with adoptive breastfeeding (if a mother has never been pregnant) she may need hormonal preparation. For many adoptive mothers it may be more about connecting deeply with the new baby through breastfeeding, than producing large volumes of breastmilk.” Emma adds that relactation can fail if mothers are not given the correct support and professional advice preferably from an IBCLC or SACLC trained consultant and La Leche League leader. “Success also depends on quite a few other factors, such as the determination of the mother, no underlying medical conditions and the baby’s age.” 

How the breasts work

Leana describes the anatomy of the breast as 10 to 20 branches (milk ducts), heavy with clusters of grapes all intimately bound together by interweaving vines and vegetation. Each single grape an alveoli or milk sack where milk is made and each alveoli is surrounded by a basket of muscle cells that squeezes the milk out into the ducts when it contracts. The 10 to 20 branches are all rooted in the nipple, though each nipple has only between four to nine openings through which the milk is excreted. “Baby’s suckling acts as a stimulus to mom’s body – sending a message to the brain to release the milk producing hormones, prolactin and oxytocin into bloodstream,” she says. “Prolactin, released with the Milk Ejection Reflex (MER), acts on the alveoli to produce milk and Oxytocin, released with the MER, acts on the muscle cells around the alveoli causing them to contract and squeeze out the milk towards the nipple.” It is important to note that large amounts of milk are not stored in the ducts before the MER and that the rapid sucking action of the baby stimulates the let down of milk. The most important thing is to ensure a good latch to help the MER during breastfeeding as well as a good breast pump to stimulate the production of milk too. 

Methods of relactation

Emma recommends holding your baby skin to skin as often as you can, in a calm relaxed environment such as lying in your bed, in a comfy chair or even carrying them around in a sling at home. Directly feeding your baby from the breast is the most effective way to increase your supply or relactate. Offer your breast to your baby frequently when they are happy! Do not try breastfeeding when your baby is upset or irritated as it will be nearly impossible to latch them on.  “This is an extremely important step. Although it sounds so simple, often this is how babies get interested in breastfeeding again.You can start pumping if you find your baby does not want to breastfeed for very long, or is not interested in taking the breast.  Since you are trying to build your supply back up or induce lactation again, it is important to pump frequently,” she says. “If you can pump every two to three hours, that would be ideal. At night you can go for longer between pumping but try to get at least one pumping session in per night.  When you start pumping you might not get any milk at all or just small amounts, just keep on going! Some women find it takes a couple of months to really get their supply going again, especially if their babies are not breastfeeding or are only occasionally breastfeeding.” She adds that women who have had an extended period of time since breastfeeding might find they do not build up enough of a supply to exclusively breastfeed, but most women will at least be able to partially breastfeed their babies and many women will eventually be able to exclusively breastfeed their babies. 

What is a supplemental nursing system?

A nursing supplementer is a device that allows a baby to receive extra milk at the breast rather than by bottle and teat. It consists of a container that is worn on a cord around the mother’s neck. Fine tubing carries expressed breastmilk or artificial baby milk from the container to the nipple. When the baby sucks at the breast, milk is drawn through the tubing into his mouth, along with any milk from the breast. “Most mothers who have problems getting breastfeeding started will solve them without using a breastfeeding supplementer. Often all some mothers need is information and support. Talking the problem over with someone who understands and supports your wish to breastfeed and who knows a lot about breastfeeding can help you work through any problems. Often they will be able to suggest new ideas to try,” says Emma. “Sometimes, you can solve your own problems by learning more about how breastfeeding works. It is important that the baby is able to suck well at the breast, even if he tires easily, in order for the breastfeeding supplementer to work. A baby with a poor or abnormal suck may not be able to get the milk through the tubing any better than from the breast itself.”

I breastfed my adopted babyDanielle Bischoff is a photographer and storyteller and lives and works in Cape Town with her husband comedian, Rob van Vuuren and their six-year-old adopted daughter, Bijou.
“Rob and I both have adoption in our families and when falling pregnant became increasingly difficult and a cause of huge distress for us, the doctors said the only option was to go the IVF route. We both felt like we needed to take a breather from the whole thing and put the baby plans aside for a few months. We didn’t want to rush into a whole IVF mission. We felt that we had been through enough of a wringer just trying to figure out what the problem was. So we left it for a while. After a couple of months we both felt that adoption was the best way forward. I can’t describe it in any other way than I just new our baby was coming to us through adoption. I felt a deep connection and I had even chosen her name before our first meeting with our social workers. There was just this indescribable knowing that baby was on the way and I had to get ready. I didn’t even know that inducing lactation was a thing, but I was so determined to make it happen. So you can imagine the relief I had when contacting Internationally Board Certified Lactation Consultant Jean Riddler, who immediately promised she could help me. It was important to me for two reasons, because  I didn’t get to experience a pregnancy I felt like I didn’t want to miss out on the experience of breastfeeding. I had also done some reading on all the amazing benefits. Strengthening the bond was a huge reason and because Bijou was adopted I felt like I had some catching up to do as I hadn’t carried her.I started on the birth control pill to mimic a pregnancy. I wasn’t really happy about going on the pill but as I mentioned before I was pretty determined about it. Once we got the news that a birth mother had chosen us and we had Bijou’s due date, we sped up the process by taking the vomidom (domperidone) and using a double breast pump to stimulate the breasts. This was honestly the hardest part of the whole business. There were moments while sitting there with pumps on my breasts with nothing happening where I really questioned my sanity. Anyway just over a week later the milk started coming out! I was totally amazed and in awe of the human body. I wasn’t able to produce enough milk to purely breastfeed which I was initially quite sad about, but after sometime I was just grateful for the opportunity. I soon realized that being able share the feeding duties with my husband was beneficial for all of us. So in the end we mainly bottle fed her and did top ups with breast milk. I breastfed Bijou until she was about two-years-old. It was a bit of a roller coaster ride to be honest. I felt emotions that I didn’t know I would have. The feelings of inadequacy I felt when I realized that I wasn’t able to purely breastfeed did overwhelm me. I felt like I had let her down and how could I be a mother if I couldn’t feed her. Obviously in retrospect I realize how irrational all that thinking was. Luckily my husband was there to help me through all that. It was totally worth every second on my mothering journey with my precious daughter.”
<Sidebar> PATIENCE AND PERSEVERANCE!Many women who keep persevering and gently encourage their babies to breastfeed while doing heaps of skin to skin with their babies do get results, says Emma. “Don’t give up. It just takes a lot of patience, perseverance and time. It will not happen overnight.  Support helps too and is very important. Ask for help with cleaning, laundry, cooking and other household chores, while you focus on just being with your baby.  Rest and just “hang out” with your baby.” 
<Sidebar>Amazing motherhood hormonesAt every stage of motherhood there are hormones present to facilitate the changes taking place. In addition to a very long list of natural ingredients, breastmilk also contains the following amazing hormones: Prolactin is the hormone of milk production. The suckling newborn increases prolactin levels which physically works in creating more milk, and emotionally, prolactin encourages the mothering instinct of nurturing and selfless devotion to the baby’s health and well being. Oxytocin is known as a shy hormone and is present in orgasm, labour, birth and breastfeeding and causes the Milk Ejection Reflex (MER). Emotionally it is a bonding hormone, also known as the love hormone because it occurs at intimate, private moments of family bonding and love. Physically it is a contracting hormone and as such contracts the uterus in orgasm, facilitates contractions in labour and birth and allows for the milk let down as the milk ducts are contracted and squeezed to allow for milk to flow. Endorphins are the body’s own natural painkiller and can create euphoria and are released during sex and breastfeeding. 
<Sidebar> A word on galactagoguesGalactogogues are medications or other substances believed to assist initiation, maintenance, or augmentation of the rate of maternal milk production. Human milk production is a complex physiologic process involving physical and emotional factors and the interaction of multiple hormones, the most important of which is believed to be prolactin, explains Leana. “One should caution against inappropriately recommended galactogogues prior to emphasizing the primary means of increasing the overall rate of milk synthesis, such as frequent feeding and regular draining of the breasts.”A galactagogue may be helpful to speed up the process but are not magic bullets, she adds. They provide building blocks for milk production but effective removal of milk is essential since milk supply seem to be calibrated based on how well the breasts are drained. “If baby is not breastfeeding (well) yet, it is advisable to double pump with a good quality electric pump using the hands-on method.” According to Leana, the currently available pharmaceutical galactogogues are all dopamine antagonists and will increase prolactin levels. Herbal remedies have been used throughout history to enhance milk supply. Some herbs mentioned as galactogogues include fenugreek, goat’s rue, milk thistle (Silybum marianum), oats, dandelion, millet, seaweed, anise, basil, blessed thistle, fennel seeds, marshmallow, and many others. “Although beer is used in some cultures, alcohol may actually reduce milk production. A barley component of beer (even non-alcoholic beer) can increase prolactin secretion, but there is no hard evidence supporting this,” she says. “Mothers wanting to make use of a galactogogues should contact their doctor for a prescription since La Leche League Leaders or International Board Certified Lactation Consultants are not allowed to prescribe any medication be it natural or pharmacological.”  Emma points out the most important thing to remember is that an herbal or prescribed galactogogue will only work if you take it while actively trying to build your supply at the same time.  “You will not see an increase if you do nothing but take a galactogogue.You should only take a galactogogue if your doctor is in agreement and all side effects and contraindications have been discussed,” she says. 

Do you have the pregnancy glow?

In pregnancy, your skin can exude a truly healthy glow because of a combination of factors, such as greater blood volume, which can give the cheeks a flushed look and more sebum on the skin, which can make the skin shine. While every woman experiences hormone changes in pregnancy, not every woman will get that pregnancy glow. It is well-documented that pregnancy brings with it a whole new set of skin concerns – not just the most common of problems, namely stretchmarks. Charlene Yared West spoke to Life Fourways Hospital Gynaecologist, Dr Abigail Lukhaimane, Life Mercantile Hospital Dermatologist, Dr Zinzi Limba and Genesis Maternity Clinic Maternity Coach & Spa owner, Tsholo Bless, to find out more about skin conditions in pregnancy.


What is it? “Acne is very common in pregnancy, especially in the first and second trimesters and in some cases can be quite severe. When your hormones settle by the third trimester it can subside for most women, but this is not always the case” says Dr Abigail Lukhaimane. “I do my best to reassure moms that it is a natural , cosmetic condition and that it will get better when hormones stabilise.” 

Primary cause: Dr Zinzi Limba explains that increased levels of androgen hormones, believed to be important for cervical ripening at full term, as well as for maintaining a healthy pregnancy, can cause acne. 

What can you do? “Managing acne in pregnancy can be tricky because many prescriptions and over the counter treatments are contraindicated for pregnancy and can cause birth defects,” says Dr Limba.  She encourages moms to talk to their doctor to plot the best and safest way forward before taking any acne treatment. 

Tsholo Bless recommends some easy drug-free options for managing zit outbreaks:

  • When washing your face, use an oil-free, alcohol-free cleanser, limiting washes to twice a day. Avoid over-cleansing as this stimulates the oil glands in the skin to produce more oil.
  • Change your pillowcases often – use cotton pillow cases which encourage the skin to breathe.
  • Keep your hands away from your face so that you do not spread bacteria from your fingers to your face. This goes for your mobile phone too – a device dripping in bacteria, even on the best days!
  • Avoid the temptation to squeeze or pop your pimples, as this can cause re-infection and scarring.
  • If you have clogged pores, treat yourself to a professional salon facial.

Chloasma: The Mask of pregnancy

Dr Lukhaimane explains that chloasma, also known as melasma, is a common skin problem where the condition causes dark, discoloured patches on your skin (hyperpigmentation).  Most common on the forehead, nose, cheeks and chin.  According to the American Academy of Dermatology, 90% of people who develop this condition are women.
Primary cause: “Estrogen and progesterone sensitivity often accompany this condition and can trigger it,” says Dr Lukhaimane. “Usually it is self-limiting and will fade after the pregnancy. Sun exposure can also predispose melasma. In addition, darker skinned people are more at risk than those with fair skin.” 

How do I know I have it? A visual exam of the area is often enough for your care provider to diagnose it, says Dr Limba. “However, dermatologists can perform a bed-side test using a Wood’s Lamp – a special kind of light that allows the doctor to check for any bacterial and fungal infections to determine how many layers of skin the melasma has affected.”

Living with melasma: Not all cases clear up with treatment, but there are methods of behavioural changes that can help minimise the worsening of the condition.  “Visit your doctor to discuss prescription options that are safe to use for pregnancy,” says Tsholo.

  • Use Paraben-free makeup if you are self-conscious to cover up areas of discolouration.
  • Wear Sunscreen containing Titanium Dioxide & Zinc Oxide – every day!
  • Wear a wide-brimmed hat and protective clothing when you are out and about in the sunshine.
  • Seek out support groups for your condition.

The Pregnancy Line

The pregnancy line is also known as linea nigra and is a normal and natural part of pregnancy. It is brown and darker than the skin tone of the woman and is a vertical line running down the middle of the belly, between the belly button and the pubis, explains Dr Lukhaimane. 

Primary cause: “It is understood that the linea nigra and the darkening around the nipples is caused by the hormones estrogen and progesterone, which stimulate the production of melanin, the pigment which darkens and tans the skin in pregnancy,” says Dr Limba. 

Does it fade? After pregnancy and birth  it goes away on it’s own – you do not need treatment. 

Stretchmarks? You earned your stripes mama! 

“Stretchmarks are very common in pregnancy, affecting about 8 out of 10 women –  and do not cause harm to the mother or baby, but can cause itching on the area for some women,” says Dr Lukhaimane. 

Primary cause: Dr Limba explains that skin is highly adaptable and can stretch and contract, but during pregnancy, the skin does not have enough time to adjust, which causes the skin to tear, which in turns results in a scar that forms – and this is known as a stretchmark. 

Who gets stretchmarks? “Lighter skinned women often get pink stretchmarks forming, while darker skinned women will have lighter stretchmarks than the surrounding skin area.  Stretchmarks can occur anywhere; on the hips, thighs, belly breasts, lower back and buttocks,” says Dr Limba. 

Treatment: Tsholo says that there is no absolute treatment for stretchmarks, but that women can be comforted to know that they will fade into paler scars and sometimes become less noticeable, but will not go away completely. “The best advice would be to make sure that you keep the skin well nourished and a cream or oil made from plant oils rich in Omega 3,6, & 9 can be very useful. A study published in International Journal of Molecular Sciences by T.Lin et al showed that the topical application of some plant oils can have anti-inflammatory and skin barrier repair effects. This also means that the itching is reduced. So it is wise to seek information from your skincare therapist,” she adds. 


Sunscreen is imperative. 

When pregnant, all medication should be cleared by your physician / gynaecologist. 

Healing from incontinence

Urinary incontinence is common in pregnancy and is reported by about 60 percent of women. For these women, the severity of their condition can increase during the course of their pregnancy, especially peaking in the second and third trimesters. Of these women who experience incontinence in pregnancy, 70 percent go on to resolve the condition postpartum – and within the first year, the prevalence of incontinence drops down to 11 to 23 percent. Dr Bongi Makhubo, obstetrician gynaecologist from Life Anncron in Klerksdorp sheds more light on the topic. 

Early incontinence is normal

Pregnancy can affect the normal way your urethra relaxes and contracts and many women, particularly those who had a vaginal birth, can experience incontinence after childbirth. “The pubic and pelvic muscles and the anal sphincter can be injured in up to 40-80% of births and so, leaking a little bit after birthing your baby vaginally is quite within the normal range, but it is not normal if it lasts for months afterwards,” says Dr Makhubo. “Directly after birth, using a thick maternity pad helps to absorb the leaks, but once you have stopped bleeding and incontinence persists, you might need a specialist appointment to discuss the problem further.” 

Stress incontinence is also quite common in new mothers and affects roughly a third of women in the first year after birth. Stress incontinence leaks happen when the mother laughs, coughs, sneezes or goes for a run. Lifting heavy things can also cause these leaks,  which are due to increased intra-abdominal pressure and a defective urethral support or closure.

<FACT BOX>What causes incontinence after birth? Dr Makhubo shares the facts: 

  • Weakening of the pelvic floor muscles or injury to the nerves supplying the structures of the pelvic floor, due to a prolonged or difficult labour. 
  • Carrying a bigger than normal baby in utero, leading to difficulty in delivering or stretching and compression of the pelvic floor.
  • High levels of elastin, a hormone which allows for more stretching of the skin and connective tissue, can cause prolapse and in turn, incontinence (as opposed to collagen, which is decreased during pregnancy).  
  • Assisted delivery, especially with the use of forceps. Research shows that there is less injury and urinary incontinence noted with the use of ventouse in comparison. 
  • Maternal age; the higher the age the higher the association with urinary incontinence.
  • Parity; incontinence is more common with parous women, however of note is that the highest risk of incontinence is with the first delivery, then 10% risk increase with each subsequent birth.
  • Vaginal delivery definitely predisposes women to a higher risk of incontinence and most women will be incontinent for a few weeks; however most will be normal within a year.

What can help?

“Pelvic floor muscle training or kegels exercise are by far the best way to combat the problem postpartum, although the research differs as to how much of the exercises should be done. However, these can be done anywhere, and one way to remember to do them is to pick an anchor which will remind you to do them. For example, when stopping at a robot or boiling the kettle: each time you do one of these activities, do some pelvic floor exercises too,” says Dr Makhubo. 

She suggests that physiotherapy can also help in some cases. “A physiotherapist will give you cones or a pessary that can be used to squeeze and strengthen the pelvic floor muscle.” Dr Makhubo also encourages lifestyle modifications, such as drinking less coffee and alcolhol and stopping smoking. Decreasing BMI can also help improve incontinence issues. “If lifestyle modifications have been made and incontinence persists, then medical treatments can be offered,” she says. “The last resort is surgery.”

Medical treatment and surgical options

  • Medication:
    • Estrogen creams, duloxetene and even botox can help to alleviate incontinence. 
  • Medical devices:
    • A vaginal pessary, which can be used for prolapses. It is a ring-like device and acts as a support for the bladder. A disposable urethral insert may also be prescribed and serves as a leakage barrier. 
  • Bulking agents:
    • Bulking agents are injected into the urethra to help plump up the tissues where urine is released from the bladder and help to hold it in. 
  • Surgery: The underlying principle of surgery is to support the urethra, so that the bladder can work effectively. 
    • “Retropubic urethropexy ( Burch’s Colposuspension ) is used most common surgery for this condition. It is an abdominal procedure, where the pubocervical fascia is attached to a copper ligament or to the pubic symphysis (pelvic bone),” explains Dr Makhubo. “This helps lift the anterior vaginal wall and tissues surrounding the urethra and bladder, which helps to alleviate incontinence. 
    • Slings: There are various kinds of slings and they are all made of mesh. The use of mesh has been approved by the FDA and the South African Urogynaecology Society endorses and supports the use of this method for incontinence. A ‘hammock’ is created using mesh and tissue to support your urethra and can be done under local anaethesia.
      • Pubovaginal slings, mid-urethral slings, mini-slings and micro-slings are used as a means to help incontinence, but implanting mesh where it is needed, in and around the urethra. These range from being quite invasive to non-invasive. Your care provider will help you decide on the best approach for you. 

Healing… after miscarriage

Miscarriage is the most common type of pregnancy loss and according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, 10-25% of all recognised pregnancies end in miscarriage and about 80% of all pregnancy loss occurs in the first trimester. Unrecognised pregnancies, which are also known as ‘chemical pregnancies’ account for 50-75% of all miscarriages, where the pregnancy is lost shortly after implantation, where bleeding occurs around the time of the woman’s expected period. Charlene Yared West unpacked the topic with Dr Francis Maleka from Life Mercantile Hospital. “In short, miscarriage is more common than we think,” he says. 

Why does miscarriage happen?
“Not every miscarriage has a clear cut reason and often the cause isn’t identified. Women will ask themselves why – and often blame themselves, but the truth is, there is very little you can do to prevent a miscarriage,” says Dr Maleka. Reasons include chromosomal abnormality, hormonal problems, infections, maternal health problems, maternal age, maternal trauma, lifestyle (smoking, drugs, malnutrition) and implantation of the egg that does not occur properly. “Things that do not cause miscarriage are sex, working outside of the home and moderate exercise,” he adds. 

Men – the forgotten grievers

Women are the ones who have to cope physically and emotionally after the loss of a baby. Often, the grief men experience goes unacknowledged. According to research carried out in 2014 by Dr Petra Boynton at the University College London, dads said they felt happy, excited, thrilled or delighted about the pregnancy before the miscarriage – and 55% of those men had already picked out a name for the baby. After the loss, many fathers reacted with feelings of sadness (85%), grief (63%) and shock (58%), but nearly a quarter didn’t share their feelings with their partner, usually for fear of upsetting her more or saying the wrong thing. “I encourage couples to talk about what happened and also to see a therapist if they find it difficult to access those emotions,” says Dr Maleka.

Getting pregnant after miscarriage

Deciding to have another baby after miscarriage can cause mixed emotions for both parents. “On one hand they want a baby, but the next time around is often fraught with fear of another loss. We have to pay special attention to the next pregnancy even more carefully,” says Dr Maleka. Parents may choose to delay falling pregnant again due to surgery from the miscarriage, a delay in menstrual cycles, genetic testing and autopsy reports, and emotional issues and readiness. “Seek support from family and friends, as well as your doctor or midwife and professional support groups, to help you heal after miscarriage,” he says. “Remember that you are still grieving the loss of your baby while attempting to get pregnant again. Be gentle on yourself.” 

A case study: “How I moved forward”

We fell pregnant for the first time in 2011 and were so excited. We decided not to wait until the 12 week time period to share our news with friends and family – as for us, a life is a life and we told everybody! I had all the pregnancy symptoms; sore breasts and bouts of nausea. Then I was at work one day and started bleeding heavily. The doctor confirmed the miscarriage and we were distraught. I was so heartbroken and this heaviness weighed down on me for weeks. My husband and I went away on a relationship workshop weekend camp and for me that was the turning point. The camp was situated in a beautiful place in nature, which brought me a lot of comfort. There was also a small chapel there that my husband and I would visit. In the quiet of this tranquil place, I came to the realisation that I had to give her a name as I sensed she was a girl and that I needed to somehow name her. So, we named her Faith and I think just the act of giving her a name gave me such a sense of relief. I was much better afterwards and  fell pregnant soon after… and gave my baby the second name of Faith, so that I would never forget the first little life that came to me. I think a lot of people after miscarriage tend to want to close it off and not talk about it – and try their best to forget about it. I somehow embraced the experience as painful as that was and named her, letting myself to feel the loss that occurred. This is what gave me closure. We have two daughters now, but have never forgotten baby Faith.  

Own your birth: Why you need a birth plan

The birth plan: a tool pioneered by childbirth activist and midwife, Sheila Kitzinger in the 1970s, who believed that women and not their caregivers, should be the focus of childbirth and be able to advocate for themselves with this document, which detailed their wishes for the delivery. In the wake of birth plans, the Better Births Initiative was formulated as a way of educating caregivers on the general care of women in labour. The initiative was also rolled out in South Africa and expected to be adopted by all hospitals by 2015. Amongst the guidelines, it encourages respect, privacy and companionship for women in labour, pointing out that women should be able to labour and birth in whatever position they feel most comfortable, with as many birth companions as they choose to have. By Charlene Yared West. 

Birth plans inform and educate 

“Birth plans have become common practice now, as expectant mothers are more informed about their birth choices,” says Marié van Heerden, midwife and hospital manager at Genesis Maternity Clinic. “It is a good exercise for each expectant parent to inform themselves of their options through compiling a birth plan, so that they understand what they can expect, as well as benefit and risk of procedures and medication – and know where they can make certain choices. This applies to any type of birth, whether it is for a natural or planned caesarean section.” Laura Sayce, doula and lactation consultant at Genesis agrees; “I help my clients to compile their birth plans as a way of helping them make informed decisions. It also encourages them to do their own research into each element of the birth and then to make choices based on this information.” 

What should a birth plan include? 

According to a research paper Birth Plans, the good, the bad and the future by J.Lothian (2006), the focus of birth plans should be to answer three patient-focused questions: What will I do to stay confident and feel safe? What will I do to find comfort in response to my contractions? Who will support me through labour, and what will I need from them? “I encourage all my patients to write out their birth preferences and to make copies of it, one of which is placed into their file at the hospital and extra copies for the hospital midwife on duty for the day they go into labour,” says Dr Sean Drew, gynaecologist-obstetrician at Life Hilton Hospital. “It helps everyone onto the same page about what the parent’s intentions are for the birth, but it must also leave room for what happens in the event of having to resort to ‘plan b’ option, which is often not detailed in the plan, but should be.” Dr Drew explains that as medical professionals, their first obligation is to the safe and healthy delivery of baby and mother. “First we want to ensure life, then we can look at incorporating all the ‘quality of life’ elements from the birth plan. This is not to say we don’t observe what is written in the document. It is quite the opposite. We do try to fulfil the mother’s wishes to the best of our ability, within our scope of practice.”

Most important birth plan elements

Life Hospitals aim to work in an evidence-based way. Sister van Heerden points out that it is helpful to speak to your care provider and to do a hospital tour, so that you have a clearer insight into how the births are conducted at the hospital you have selected to birth at. “Once you have done that, you are ready to write your birth plan. There are so many templates on the internet, but here are some important factors to include,”: 

  • Labour and birth: freedom to eat and drink in labour, play music, dance, make labour sounds without inhibition, use aromatherapy oils (safe for labour and birth), have freedom to move into any position and birth in any position on the floor, or the bath or the bed. A mother should be allowed access to a doula or birth companion of her choice, who will provide non-medical pain relief options, including hypnobirthing, massage and general encouragement. Delayed cord clamping after the baby has emerged to allow for all the baby’s blood to be drained from the placenta to the baby. 
  • First hour: Uninterrupted, immediate skin-to-skin contact with the mother or the father (if the mom is unable to). Assistance with the first latch if requested, otherwise the baby should be allowed time to attempt a breast crawl. Weighing and measuring to be done after the first hour of bonding for the family. No separation of mother and baby unless absolutely medically necessary. 
  • Postnatal: Rooming in with your baby, no formula unless there is informed consent of the mother, provision of pain relief if medically necessary and assistance with breastfeeding. 
  • Plan B: In the event of an unexpected caesarean, there are still choices. The mother can request immediate skin-to-skin with the baby in the theatre after the initial checks by the paediatrician and no separation unless medically necessary. Early initiation and assistance with the first latch. If the baby has to go to the neonatal ICU, then the father may accompany the baby. 

What are the roles of each of the professionals present at a birth? 

  • Obstetrician-Gynaecologist: A medical doctor who is the primary caregiver for your birth and there to deliver the baby when it is time to push the baby out. He/She may also conduct vaginal examinations during labour, but this is more often performed by the hospital midwife on duty. It is also the role of the doctor to perform the caesarean sections either scheduled or emergency. 
  • Hospital Midwife: The hospital midwife performs nursing duties during labour and ensures the medical needs of mother and baby are taken care of by checking foetal heart rate, mother’s well being,blood pressure and other medical checks. She/he may also conduct the vaginal examinations, under the instruction of the primary caregiver, the doctor. In private hospitals in South Africa, the baby is delivered by the doctor and not by the midwife, unless the baby is born before the doctor’s arrival at the birth. The midwives at Life Healthcare hospitals are however trained to conduct normal deliveries. In government hospitals, the hospital midwives are permitted to conduct deliveries. 
  • Independent Midwife: She/he fulfils the same role as the hospital midwife, but may also deliver the baby and call on the obstetrician-gynaecologist in the event of an emergency. Independent midwives may also conduct homebirths, hospital births on low risk pregnant women, with confirmation and back up of a supporting gynaecologist-obstetricians. 
  • Doula: A doula is employed privately by the parents themselves and works independently of the hospital. She is non-medical and is there for the mother’s physical and emotional support throughout the labour process. She may not advocate on the mother’s behalf to her caregivers. Research supports the use of a doula for a more empowered and positive birth experience, no matter what turn the birth takes, whether the baby is born vaginally or abdominally.   
  • Anaesthetist: The anaesthetist is called in if the mother requests an epidural during labour and is also there for caesarean births to administer the spinal block and for ensuring adequate pain relief after the caesarean. 
  • Paediatrician: The paediatrician is called in after natural births to check on the wellbeing of the baby. They are also present during caesarean sections to ensure the health of the baby. 
  • Lactation consultant: Although the mother receives breastfeeding advice and assistance from the midwives in the maternity unit of the hospital, a lactation consultant is extremely helpful to ensure long-term breastfeeding success. 

The basics of car-seat safety

In 1769, the first steam-powered car was invented, with subsequent improvements as better automobiles were built throughout the years. It took almost 200 years later for the first safety belt to be invented by the mid 19th century. It was only in 1966 that an Act was enforced, requiring all vehicles to comply with certain safety standards. In 2015, the South African National Road Traffic Act enforced the regulation that all infants (0-3 years) be restrained appropriately when travelling in cars. By Charlene Yared West. 

The danger of being unrestrained in cars

According to the World Health Organisation, children who are not restrained during a car crash can either be thrown against the interior of the vehicle or be ejected from the vehicle. The use of seatbelt and child restraints is the most effective action of preventing the severity of injuries during a car crash. Chances of survival increase drastically when restrained appropriately. The World Report on Road Traffic Injury Prevention states that the use of child restraints in vehicles reduces infant deaths by about 71%. A study conducted in Sweden showed that about 50% of fatally injured children aged up to 3-years had been involved in side impact collision. 

What car seats are age appropriate?

The main determining factor for choice of an appropriate car seat is the child’s weight. Older children who are above the height and weight specifications for using car seats require a properly fitting three-point lap and diagonal seat-belt when riding in a vehicle. A review of various studies has shown that child safety seats that are correctly installed and used for children aged 0-4 years can reduce the need for hospitalisation by 69%. The risk of death for infants is reduced by 70%, and that for children aged 1–4 years by 47–54%.

(Table extracted from the American Academy of Pediatrics

Protecting vulnerable travellers

The skulls of infants are far more malleable before 24 months and so they need less force to sustain a brain injury, explains Anna Bizos, physiotherapist at Life New Kensington Clinic. “Travelling at a speed of 60km/h can inflict horrendous injury on the unrestrained child. The acceleration is too great – and it has been shown that an adult holding a child in the backseat, will not be able to hold onto them at the moment of impact, but will release their grip, which means the child will be flung around the car or be ejected from the vehicle. The airbags, if deployed, can also cause suffocation for the child on the adult’s lap,” she says. The bottom line is, children cannot be unrestrained in cars! Parents must be consistent and model good car safety habits – for everyone in the car, every time, even if there are tantrums.” CEO of the QuadPara Association of South Africa, Ari Seirlis agrees; “The consequences of a spinal cord injury especially for children and young people, are too dire to contemplate,” he says. “QASA promotes that seat belts are essential to use in a vehicle and our road safety programme has the slogan buckle up, we don’t want new members.”

Rehabilitation Paediatric Programme at Life Hospitals

Life Healthcare’s Rehabilitation paediatric programmes are focused on providing holistic, interdisciplinary individually targeted interventions that are developed for each child, based on a variety of standardised and internationally recognised assessments, says Nomsa Mbuyisa, Nurse Manager at Life New Kensington Clinic. “We hold interdisciplinary team meetings weekly to assess the child’s progress and, based on this, whether any adaptations should be made to the programme.”

<Sidebar> Sister Mbuyisa shares her top car safety tips for infants

  • Everyone in the car must always buckle up! 
  • Always check that the car seat is correctly installed. 
  • Ensure that the child is in the correct age car seat. Infants need to stay in a rear facing seat in the back seat, making sure to install the seat at a 45-degree angle to help support the baby’s head and back.
  • Make sure your car seat works in the type of car that you have. Not every child safety seat is compatible with every car.
  • Replace the car seat after a crash. Even a minor accident can compromise the structure of the seat. Avoid buying used car seats since you don’t know its history.
  • Never leave a child alone in the car as they can overheat quickly when it’s warm. 
  • Never share a seat belt. Do not use one seat belt to buckle two kids.
  • Ride in the backseat. Children who are younger than the age of 12 should always ride in the backseat. In an accident, the airbag can injure a small child. 
  • Stay calm. Teach kids to be quiet and calm in the car. They must not jump around, yell or  

scream in the car as this can distract the driver. This can put everyone in the  car at risk.

In the unfortunate event of a car accident, the Road Accident Fund is able to assist with medical expenses, loss of support, funeral benefit and general damages for pain and suffering. To lodge a claim, claimants can contact the Call Centre on 0860 23 55 23. 

Caesarean birth: Safety is the priority

When planning for your birth, you must consider your options; an attempt at vaginal birth, which may or may not result in an emergency caesarean, or choosing to have a caesarean, also called a Caesarean Delivery on Maternal Request. Charlene Yared West spoke to Dr Jacky Searle, an obstetrician-gynaecologist at Life Vincent Pallotti about the risks and benefits of caesarean section. 

Reasons for a planned caesarean include: 

  • Placenta praevia (a low-lying placenta)
  • Breech presentation
  • Previous caesarean section 
  • Previous shoulder dystocia 
  • An elective caesarean delivery, also called Caesarean Delivery on Maternal Request (CDMR) in the absence of a medical or obstetric reason for avoiding a vaginal birth.

Reasons for an emergency caesarean include: 

  • Cephalo-pelvic disproportion (baby’s head does not fit through the mother’s pelvis) 
  • Fetal distress
  • Congenital malformations of the baby
  • Pelvic abnormalities
  • Infection of the mother
  • Situations where labour isn’t recommended such as; eclampsia (seizures resulting from high blood pressure) or prematurity of the baby

BEFORE: Preparing for a Caesarean

“For a scheduled caesarean, a protocol is followed, which includes not eating or drinking for six to eight hours before surgery and shaving the bikini area where the incision will be made.” Says Dr Searle. “On arrival at hospital, there are forms to fill out and the anaesthetist will meet you and make a pre-operative assessment before surgery. You will also meet the attending paediatrician shortly before the procedure.” Dr Searle adds that women may choose to have a doula to accompany them for their caesarean. “She will often arrive with you at the hospital and pamper you before going into theatre. This can help a mother relax and connect to her baby and the imminent birth.”

In the case of an emergency caesarean, the surgery is usually done within 30 minutes of the decision being made. The mother will be accompanied by her partner, and her doula, if she has one. “This can be stressful, and even traumatic for the parents, but an adequate explanation of the necessity of the caesarean should always be provided, enabling them to understand and process the experience. All pregnant women should understand that the outcome of labour is unpredictable, but a caring team can support her through the process of childbirth and help her to feel cared for and held throughout.”

DURING: In theatre for a caesarean

In theatre, the mother will have a drip inserted and anaesthesia is almost always regional (awake) – either spinal or epidural. A urinary catheter will be inserted once the anaesthetic is working. “Women, especially those who have not chosen a caesarean, are often pleasantly surprised to find that caesarean birth can be a truly beautiful experience for a mother and her partner,” says Dr Searle. 

A gentle caesarean

A ‘gentle caesarean’refers to minimising the medicalisation of the process where possible and enhancing the gentleness. “I am proud to say that this is routine at Life Vincent Pallotti,” says Dr Searle. 

A gentle caesarean includes;

  • Limiting unnecessary noise and chatter
  • Dimming the lights, playing the mother’s choice of music
  • Not removing the baby from its mother after birth
  • Early skin-to-skin contact and early latching 

AFTER: Post-recovery form a caesarean

A regimen of analgesia will be prescribed to ensure that any post-operative pain is manageable, explains Dr Searle. “Mothers generally recover well post-caesarean, as they are motivated to get up and moving, and are distracted from post-operative discomfort by their baby! Breastfeeding is encouraged and assistance is provided for all new mothers in the maternity wards at all Life Healthcare hospitals. Mothers usually stay in hospital for four days/three nights after a caesarean section,” she says. 

VBAC: Vaginal Birth After Caesarean

“It is appropriate for any woman who has a single pregnancy, with a baby in the head down position, and who has had one previous lower section caesarean, to consider a VBAC,” says Dr Searle. “A successful VBAC is more likely in women who have also had a previous vaginal birth, taller women, women less than 40 years old, where labour occurs before 40 completed weeks, and where birth weight is less than 4kg.”

<Case Study>

Sam Suter’s empowering emergency caesarean

I had always wanted a natural birth, although I am hesitant to use that word now, as no birth is unnatural. A birth is birth, no matter how a baby comes. At 39 weeks pregnant, I was induced to attempt a vaginal birth, because my blood pressure reading was climbing and continued to increase to dangerous levels. This was around at 10am in the morning and at 10pm at night, although contractions had begun, they were ever so slight and my blood pressure was rising. The decision to have a caesarean was made because of the risk of a stroke.

 I believe all birth experiences have an element of trauma, and this is all part of it – but for me the euphoria and the memory of seeing Tom for the first time, far outweighed any trauma. What I didn’t know is that even if you’ve had a caesarean, nature takes over and the ‘love and bonding’ hormone oxytocin is released – in both mom and baby. I was definitely feeling the oxytocin and looking back, the experience is such a happy one. Happy is in fact not the word to describe it… It was the most incredible human experience I have ever had. 

The whole birth experience was not ‘perfect’ or how I had envisioned it, but I had to go with the flow, what was best for my baby and I, and I think that is a huge learning for parenthood overall.

‘Surrogacy gave us the gift of twins’

Tasha and Wayne McKenzie wanted a baby even before they said their vows on their wedding day. After four years of trying to fall pregnant naturally and after six unsuccessful rounds of IVF, their friend Lee-Ann Laufs said she would be their surrogate. Charlene Yared West sat down with Tasha, Wayne and Lee-Ann to learn more about their surrogacy journey. 

Surrogacy chose us

Wayne and Tasha felt that they had exhausted all their options to have a baby, save the adoption route. Their friend, Lee-Ann Laufs worked closely with with a safe house for abused and abandoned children called Miracle Kids in Cape Town. “I emailed her to get the details and she called me back saying that she had been telling my wife Tash for months that she would be our surrogate – and that she really meant it. I was blown away by what she said and wanted to laugh and cry simultaneously. I knew this could finally be it… We could have our baby!” 

Tasha recalls how she got to know Lee-Ann in her beauty salon; “When she came for treatments, we got to know each other and would start chatting about where I was in fertility treatment. She always mentioned wanting to be our surrogate, but sometimes people say things they don’t really mean and I wasn’t sure if this was one of those times, so I left it at that. She gave birth to her second son and after the caesarean messaged me from the hospital saying she would do this for us. She told us to be patient and wait a little while longer until she had healed and was ready to be pregnant again. We left it at that and I still didn’t believe her!” 

It was only after Lee-Ann and Wayne had spoken that the offer of surrogacy became real to Tasha. “Unless you have been through the process, you will never know the heartache of infertility and I was terrified to allow someone else to carry my baby.” adds Tasha. “It was the best news to hear that both eggs survived and we were expecting twins. Prof Thinus Kruger from the Aevitas Clinic dealt with the embryo transfer and making us pregnant.”

Lee-Ann recalls how during the pregnancy, Wayne started calling her “Smeg”, which was a code word for oven. “That was exactly how I viewed the pregnancy; I was an oven for their babies. Simply put; their sperm and eggs, my uterus. The babies don’t receive anything from the surrogate mom except food and a warm comfy womb.This is known as gestational surrogacy,” explains Lee-Ann. “There were no feelings afterwards of ‘I wish they were mine.’ The joy it gives others is so worth it and helps erase all the heartache they went through to finally have their babies.”

The medical side

“The surrogate and the commissioning mother need to sync their monthly cycle,” says Professor Thinus Kruger from Aevitas Fertility Clinic in Cape Town. “Hormone injections are administered to the surrogate to stop her from ovulating at this time. Her uterine lining also needs to be a certain thickness so that the embryo can be transferred into the lining to grow.” He explains how the commissioning mother’s eggs are stimulated to get as many as possible and are then grown until they are mature enough to be harvested and then fertilized by sperm from the father. “The laboratory scientist selected eight eggs based on quality and and then fertilized those. They are then grown and allowed to undergo cell-division outside of the body between three and five days. Not all the eggs will go through these stages of cell division and then another selection process takes place where only two embryos are transferred into the surrogate’s uterus at this time. After the transfer, there is a waiting period of ten days before seeing if the pregnancy is viable.” Prof Kruger explains that there are variations to this process and it is not successful at every stage.

Gynaecologist and obstetrician Dr Gary Groenewald was chosen by Lee-Ann to continue his care as her primary caregiver. “Lee-Ann is an extremely giving person and to do this for friends – to undergo pregnancy and surgery via caesarean section – is a major sacrifice. It really takes a special, very generous person to do this for someone else,” he says.

Since the McKenzies’ case, Life Healthcare developed a very practical and sensitive protocol to deal with future surrogacy cases. Wayne shared how special the caesarean was at Life Kingsbury and that he and Tasha were allowed to be there as well as Lee-Ann’s husband, Shaun. “It was the best day of our lives and we are forever grateful to Lee-Ann for what she did for us. We are adjusting to life with our baby girls, Lea and Madi and being parents,” says Tasha. “It has been an amazing journey and all the pain and disappointment of infertility is slowly fading, but it still feels like a dream sometimes… but then I see my daughters and I am so proud and happier than I could ever have imagined possible.” 

Surrogacy Quick Facts 

  • According to, women who want to be a surrogate need to have had experienced pregnancy and birth and have at least one living child of their own. 
  • A surrogate also needs to be in good physical, emotional and mental health. A thorough medical and psychological examination is carried out to ascertain suitability of the surrogate and the parents. 
  • Since 2010, new laws about surrogacy were passed and women wanting to be surrogates may no longer gain financially from the process. However, all medical bills for the pregnancy must be footed by the commissioning parents. You may only be a surrogate for altruistic reasons. 
  • Commissioning parents opt for surrogacy because they are unable to conceive their own child via fertility treatment or otherwise. Many gay couples who want a child of their own often look for a surrogate to help them achieve this. 
  • As a surrogate you have no rights to the child after birth. 
  • A contract is drawn up with the Surrogate Lawyer so that your surrogate does not run away with your unborn child. In the contract it also states how many IVF processes the surrogate is willing to do and how many IVF processes the parents to be are able to afford before cancelling the contract. 
  • Check out for more info. 

Multiples: A dream come true through IVF

If you have been trying for a baby for more than a year, but have been unsuccessful, you are one of at least 50-million couples who experience infertility worldwide. The number of children being born in South Africa is also on the decline and according to the Recorded Live Births 2013 to 2015 report, the number of birth registrations decreased by 6.8% from 1.6-million in 2013 to 1.08-million in 2015.  As a result, many couples are turning to infertility treatment to fulfil their hopes of having a baby. If you’re a good candidate for In Vitro Fertilisation, it may be the only way to help you grow your family unit from husband and wife to three… or even four… or more! 

Multiples and IVF

“IVF treatment can result in multiple births because, often, more than one embryo is transferred into the uterus of the mother,” says Dr Henk Burger, gynaecologist and obstetrician at Life Carstenhof in Gauteng. “The chance of having multiple births can be reduced considerably by only putting one embryo back into the womb.” The cost of IVF ranges from R30k to R50k per attempt, which explains why many couples opt for implanting more than one embryo to increase their chances of a successful pregnancy the first time around, explains Dr Burger. He notes that sometimes a termination of one of the embryos is requested after implantation, but this is very difficult and dangerous for the embryo that stays behind. 

Multiples and risk

We all know how adorable twins are – and they make for an instant family unit, but they also come with a certain level of high risk in pregnancy. “Around 30% of multiples are prone to prematurity – and born before their due date. There is also the risk of intrauterine growth retardation, birth defects and miscarriage. The mother is also five times more likely to get pre-eclampsia and six times more likely to have polyhydramnios and antepartum haemorrhage,” says Dr Burger. “Mothers carrying multiples must ensure they attend each and every antenatal consult; every four weeks up to 20 weeks, every two weeks up to 28 weeks and every week up to birth thereafter. The aim is to get the mother to carry her baby to at least 36 weeks, but this is often not the case.” He also advises mothers to eat a  balanced diet, not to smoke and to take antenatal supplements. “Simple things like positioning of the safety belt in the car when driving are also important to remember to reduce risk,” he adds. 

Natural or Caesarean birth for multiples

According to Dr Burger, birth by caesarean section is the safest for multiples, because of the risk, especially for the babies born after the first one. “There is positional risk such as breech or transverse positioning, especially for the second baby. There is also the risk of premature labour, placental abruptia, fetal distress and even early closure of the cervix,” he says. “There was a case reported where the cervix closed after the mother had naturally birthed the first of her twin babies. Her cervix remained closed for 56 days before she birthed the second one! It is the longest reported period between delivery of the two babies.” 

Breastfeeding your babies

Dr Rebecca Makate is a paediatrician at Life Carstenhof and is experienced in helping parents adjust to life with their new babies. “Breastfeeding for any baby offers major health advantages such as less infections and better neurodevelopment. The breast can make enough breastmilk for two or more babies as breastfeeding is based on supply and demand,” she says. “In other words, the more you breastfeed the more milk your breast produces. It is also possible to breastfeed twins at the same time on different breasts. Having said that, having more than two babies can come with huge challenges during feeding time.Even if you breastfeed, occasional supplementing your babies formula will give you some much needed freedom and sleep.”

<Sidebar> So what is life like with multiples?Despite some challenges and drawbacks, having multiples is a great joy, says Dr Makate. “There is a level of convenience and efficiency in parenting children simultaneously; some of the unpleasant aspects are sleepless nights, feeding times, potty training and teenage troubles which all have to be endured at once. Mostly though, there is a great pleasure and enjoyment in parenting multiples, every moment is multiplied and every simple joy is magnified,” she says. Dr Makate lists the following challenges couples should consider before IVF:-Pregnancy and birth risks when carrying multiples.-Fetal complications and time in the NNICU.-Lack of sleep.-Difficulty bonding.-Economic impact on the family unit.-Relationship with your spouse is put under pressure.-The need for extra help with caring for the babies. 
<Sidebar> What are Monozygotic and Dizygotic multiplesMonozygotic multiples: In monozygotic multiples, the embryo splits and the babies are born identical. In utero, they share one placenta and one amniotic sac. Dizygotic multiples: In dizygotic multiples, there are two separate embryos, each with their own placenta. Monozygotic multiples are higher risk for a few reasons: Placenta abruptia: where the placenta tears away from the uterus during birth and deprives one or more of the babies from it’s life source of oxygen and blood. Cord prolapse: where the umbilical cord of the second baby born prolapses out of the mother’s vagina. Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome: where the babies share a joint blood circulation through the placenta, which contains abnormal blood vessels, where blood is transfused disproportionately from one twin (the donor) to the other twin (the recipient).
Lindy and Michael’s* story
We fell pregnant after many, many years of trying to conceive – almost ten years. Initially we tried naturally, then Artificial Insemination and then only In vitro Fertilisation. As I am an older mom it was necessary to go this route. It’s a very drawn out process with lots of steps and checks and balances. One needs to eliminate the options that are not viable first and the doctors are all very cautious and considered in how they approach IVF in South Africa. It is a very expensive process, but we were committed to being parents, and I was not willing to give up, so we just kept on trying until we had a positive outcome. We first attended the Cape Fertility Clinic but after no luck there, we moved to Aevitas which is based at Life Vincent Pallotti. Prof Kruger and Prof Siebert from Aevitas were absolutely amazing, as were all the sisters that worked with them in their team. A number of eggs were fertilised and the best quality eggs were implanted and we were very lucky that two fertilised eggs resulted in our gorgeous twins, Jacques and Stella. It was a very long and stressful process. We lost a baby at full term, Ruby Mae, who was stillborn at 41 weeks.  Soon after this loss, we tried again to conceive and with the help of Aevitas got pregnant with the twins who were born on 1 May 2015. It was amazing and unbelievable to find out we were pregnant with twins after losing our previous baby.  We were elated and also scared as twins are a major change in one’s life. On the 13th of January we felt our first big kick after steak strips with Szechuan pepper and salad for dinner, it was wonderful! We made it through to 38 weeks and delivered them with the help of Dr Marie Pienaar and her team and Panorama Mediclinic. We love them to bits and they entertain, inspire and motivate us each day to be better, kinder parents. Its tough with two but the highlights are by far in excess.  It is stressful and one learns how to cope. Support makes all the difference, whether it is grandparents, siblings, night nurses, nannies or friends. Also each baby is so unique and has their own personality and it’s such a joy to experience the gift of twins.*Names have been changed. 
Vanessa and Philipp’s storyWe had been trying to conceive for a long time, but I knew that with my pre-existing conditions of Polycystic ovarian syndrome and Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, it would not be without some challenges. In 2015 I had a molar pregnancy – very rare – where a non-viable fertilised egg implants in the uterus and grows as abnormal tissue.In that time, we had been in touch with an adoption agency to come ‘kangaroo parents’, which are like safety parents for babies under 3 months old, where we would care for them for up to 90 days until they were transferred to their forever homes. When we started the paperwork, I found out I was pregnant and we felt it might be too much to go through with the adoption agency, but then later that year, I miscarried and this broke me on so many levels. After that I left for Europe and shortly after we received a call from the adoption agency to know if we were perhaps keen to foster twins who were 6.5 months old. We slept on it and the next morning we decided that we would do it and eight days later they arrived. We lost our hearts completely to the babies and decided to start the process of legally adopting them. We still kept our sights on having our own biological child one day, so we kept on trying naturally at first and then decided on IVF at the Aevitas Clinic at Life Vincent Pallotti. On the day of the transfer they implanted two eggs and at the 9 week scan we heard three heartbeats! The two boys shared one placenta, but each had their own sac and the girl had her own placenta and sac. I honestly felt as though I lost the ground under my feet and the world was spinning… we would be parents to five children now, the twins included! My pregnancy was easy until 26 weeks when I started having contractions and had to have bedrest at Life Vincent Pallotti until my caesarean birth on the 24th of April at 30 weeks pregnant with Dr Jacky Searle at Life Vincent Pallotti. My precious babies weighed 1290g, 1220g and 1540g at birth and now we are a beautiful family of seven. I am thankful for blessings in abundance and the good health of all my children. 

Prenatal Surgery: Saving a baby’s life in utero

In July 2015, Eunice and Nathi Motha finally became pregnant via in-vitro fertilisation and their joy at the news turned to pure elation when they found out they were pregnant with twins; a boy and a girl. After an uncomplicated pregnancy until 18 weeks, the couple readied themselves for the arrival of their babies. Sadly, however, the amniotic sac of the boy foetus ruptured and his leg protruded through the cervix. This made life in the womb for the boy unviable and the pregnancy needed to be terminated – or did it? According to gynaecologist obstetrician, Dr Deon Van der Merwe at Life Midmed Hospital, the girl foetus could be saved and the pregnancy for one of the twins could continue, the boy however, had to be removed from the uterus either vaginally or via caesarean birth.  

Not just another day at the hospital

It was the second time in 15 years that Dr van der Merwe performed an operation of this nature and he consulted with colleagues to gauge their informed opinions. “It is not an operation that is taken lightly as the dangers are immense; there is the risk of uterine rupture to carry the second twin to term after a caesarean at 19 weeks, there is also the risk of bleeding and sepsis and lastly, miscarriage, as the cervix was already dilated to 3 cm,” said Dr van der Merwe. “Even with all these risks, I had to help Eunice, as she had conceived under trying circumstances through IVF and she wouldn’t entertain me terminating the pregnancy.” 

Eunice relates how Dr van der Merwe explained the termination procedure and how she refused to listen to his words. She believes that after seeing their desperation and sadness in addition to her husband Nathi’s pleas to save one of the babies, he decided to do the work. “Even before Dr van der Merwe saw that my son’s leg was protruding through my cervix, I just knew something was wrong. For me his little leg kicking felt like a wriggling worm – a feeling I would never wish on anyone. It broke my heart to know that he would not make it,” says Eunice. “When they did the scan, I could still hear his heartbeat and I was so worried about if he would be hurt when the procedure was done; either vaginally or via caesarean. There was also no time for me to process all of these thoughts and we had to make the decision to save one baby or risk losing both babies… We chose to save our daughter.” The membranes were already ruptured for one week and the decision could not be delayed any longer. 

Emphasising that the operation was not an everyday procedure, Dr van der Merwe set to work, trying to remove the male foetus vaginally, but it was not possible and so a caesarean was performed. “We put the patient under general anaesthetic and after trying to remove the foetus through the cervix, which would not open enough, we knew the only way to save the second foetus’s life was to remove the first one via caesarean.” he said. 

Eunice remembers how she felt after the first operation. “I did not expect to have the burning sensation in my belly, as I assumed they would be able to remove him vaginally. I was denied pain medication so that they could do a scan after the operation was done to make sure my daughter was ok,” she says. “I knew I could endure anything for her well being, so that when I heard her heartbeat on the scan I was so happy, but it was also mixed with a deep sadness for the loss of my son, who I had never met, but who I had only felt – in my cervix. I still wish I had had the opportunity to see him with my own eyes, just to say goodbye – and that I was sorry.” 

A challenging caesarean section

Dr van der Merwe explained how the incision was made only after carefully ascertaining where the girl foetus’s placenta was. It was imperative not to accidentally rupture the amniotic sac of the second baby, as that would mean a complete termination of the pregnancy. “There would be no way to save the female baby if the membranes ruptured, so we had to be extremely careful. The incision was followed by removing the male infant with the ruptured sac and then putting the undamaged sac back into the the mother’s uterus to enable her to continue with the pregnancy,” he added. A stitch was also made around the cervix, as the pregnancy needed to continue – and because she had already dilated to 3 cm. “The risk of preterm labour of the other baby increased, as well as the chances of infection and so we had to be very cautious after the operation too. The longer the foetus could stay in the mother’s womb the better for it’s overall health and development,” said Dr van der Merwe. 

D-day for the girl twin to be born

Eunice’s pregnancy progressed to 35 weeks when she went into natural labour. She proceeded to go to the hospital immediately and underwent a second caesarean in the space of 17 weeks after her first caesarean. “The second caesarean was far less complicated; as the baby was ready to be born, although five weeks premature,” said Dr van der Merwe. “There was absolutely no way we could allow for an attempt at natural birth either, because of the danger of uterine rupture as a result of the very recent previous caesarean earlier in her pregnancy.” Eunice remembers meeting her daughter a day after she was born, as she was admitted to the neonatal unit for what became 13 long days after the birth. 

“After the caesarean, I was so confused and exhausted, so I slept a little while. On that same evening, I got up, had a shower and felt better. After getting dressed, I took a wheelchair up to see my baby girl… and I could not stop staring at her beautiful face,” says Eunice. “She was so amazing and just so beautiful and I will always be grateful to Dr van der Merwe who saved my baby’s life. My husband and I cannot be more thankful than we will always be to him. We named her Thembelihle, which means Good Hope; as she gave us hope when we almost lost everything.”